Sue's Blog

Saturday, December 03, 2005

How has my essay changed when i tried to put it up on the website?

I'm not a big fan of reading long essays on websites.I think that at some point the reader becomes overwhelmed by a sea of words on their screen and lose interest. So for me, i found that i wanted to break it up a little.

First of all, i put paragraph headings. This way if the reader's eyes begin to get tired, they can just skim down to the bolder sections and say, "yea, this is the info i'm looking for.". It also helps if someone is trying to quickly find out information and don't want to go through a whole history on Netspeak.

I also broke the essay up into two pages, which were in effect two seperate essays. I feel this is important because it makes more sense. One one page you have an introduction and history, on the next link you have a more in depth essay. It's easy to find because the link is easily accessible.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I feel dirty...

I'm not a copyrite Nazi, but i played one in class the other day...okay...i had to get that out of my system. So we had to read [insert copyrite essay here] and as a class discussion we had a debate the copy-right vs. the copy-left. I have to admit when it comes to copyrite issues, i am completely on the naturally, Dr Chandler put me on the right...*mutter* (j/k it was fun). The right believes that the copyrite laws were established to protect the creative process and encourage it by protecting the rites of those involved in creating it. The left, does not agree with piracy, etc...but it protects the need of the information to get out there. I get it. I could regurgitate all that we debated (which was a regurgitation of what we read...i really would have been more interested to hear my peers thoughts on the matter), and what we read...but this is my blog and i don't wanna ;)

that said:One day i would like to be an author and have one of my smutty novels published. I've worked hard on it...gods know i have...imagine if it hits the book stores and I sell one copy. He/she/it (to be pc because i don't believe only females read smutty novels) takes it home scans it and puts it up on the internet for all the world to read--for free! I"m a starving artist. My cat and I forced to sell our condo in FLorida and live on the streets and lets face it, Charlie is pissed because his momma should have kept her day job so he could keep up his Whiskas and catnip addiction. So i can see the importance of copyrights.

BUt when it comes to copyright laws, where does it all end? I think it becomes a problem when libraries can't scan books to put online. HOw much different is reading it online, and going to a library and reading it? SOmewhere in the essay, it mentioned selling books on a lease per read basis. But then what would happen to pretty floor to ceiling libraries? Will publishers find a way to publish self destructing books that turn to dust five minutes after you turn the first page?

Where does it end?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Essay ideas...

what to write about? ho of the things that i find interest in is how writing has changed on the internet as opposed to the way we normally write. Very few of the websites i go to are academically written...the language is usually very casual as well as having its own slang of sorts. ex W00t, ,WTF?, LOL, ROFL...even is more casually written.

Maybe it will be related to how one develops an online persona and what people can tell about you based on how you write instead of what you write...or perhaps even both. Not really sure, still vollying around the ideas...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Smart Mobs: The Power Of Many

Reingold's essay was extremely interesting as it was about the power of texting and how it can be as strong as to topple a government such as happened in the Philippines. It really drives home how closely connected we all are via the power of the internet and cell phones.

The technology is relatively new and i have lived half my life without it, and yet i have a hard time remembering how i got along without it. Over the summer some friends and I went to Great Adventure, and we were able to find each other in a crowded theme park via cell phone. We were able to set up meeting times, relate where we were, what ride we were going on next etc. Witout it, its entirely possible that we would never have even found each other.

Just recently i read an article on Bleutooth technology and how it is being used in some Arabic countries to date etc ( i think it was was a muslim country). They would use the bluetooth to search out nearby users and then send naughty pictures over the phone which is an exciting form of entertainment for them as it socially acceptable.

This is a completely exciting time we're living in, and its getting tough to keep up with all the technology. I can only imgine if my grandparents were still alive, trying to introduce my grandfather to bluetooth as he still called the answering machine the "mickye mouse machine".

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Finally, a fun to read essay about something i know a little something, something about. Ebay! I love Ebay...why? Because i have lots of junk, and as we all know someone's junk is someone else's treasure. I still have my original Nintendo and Sega genesis which i plan on unloading before i move, where will i do it? Ebay! I've been Ebaying on and off for years, mostly when i need to get some fundage. I've bought countless DVD's and CD's, and even my gaming PC on EBay. The PC was a very iffy transaction for me because i had never really spent more than $40 on an machine cost me $ had everything i needed except the Radeon graphics card i wanted (got that on ebay too $100). The company i was buying it from was new, and their ratings were quite low, but they were good. It was an act of faith, and i was biting my nails the entire time. My machine came and it was great! I still have it and loooooooove it!

Ratings are survival on Ebay. As Netgrrl and Chiccoboy said in their essay...Ebay changed the way we shop. I always check ratings before i buy something, and if i find an auction that is cheaper, i'll often pass it up if the ratings are less than 90%. I think most people are like that, which is why the ratings are so important. I'll admit, I'm a late rater...i do it once every few months, and like in the essay, I often recieve emails asking to rate my transaction (amazon also picked up this practice with their marketplace). Ratings can seriously determine whether or not you make a sale, and how much you get for it. The higher your rating, you become more's like buying a computer from a mom and pop shop, or Bestbuy. At bestBuy you know you can bring it back, the reputation is very established, whereas who knows with a mom and pop shop. In a way, this rating system has become our way of communicating to one another whether or not something is legit.

But what happens when an auction goes wrong? Ebay has taken great pains to make sure that their clients are covered as the essay stated, but unfortunatly the less money you spend, the less covered you are. I once won an auction for a DVD (i can't remember what movie), I paid my money promptly and recived nothing. i waited two weeks and started emailing the seller, but he had changed his email and cancelled his Ebay account. I filed claims on Ebay and Paypal...but there was little they would do...the guy just disappeared. Grant it, the transaction was only $12, but still...that's almost a dinner at Arrirang (yum!). Self Plug: I have 207 feedbacks, and my rating is 100%...go me!

With Ebay, also came sniping. I don't know about you, but i was getting sick of putting in my bid like an ordinary person and losing it at the last seconds of the auction. I was losing ALL THE TIME! I found myself upping my max bid just to win, because i needed to win! it wasn't about the product, it was about the win! So i honed my sniping skills. Around the time the auction ends, I will refresh the screen repeatedly, or carefully time my trips back to the computer and enter my bid within 30 seconds. I'll enter the max bid i'm willing to pay to make sure i'll win it (some people only do $1 increments, but i'll go full price to guarentee the win)...if i remember to be home at that particular time, i always win :) I haven't used any of the software like Esnipe, or the text messaging one, because that sort of takes the sport out of it, but hey!

You also learn who the best dealers are...i found one that sells VIctoria Secret returns for less than half price...current catalog dresses and clothing at more than half off, you can't beat that! You just have to know the product, and how to find it. In that way, Ebay has also changed the way we shop...why pay full price if you can find it on EBay? I'll always check ebay before i buy in a store to see if i can save some funds.

While some things are less expensive, other things are exploited to hell by crafty ebayers. This is another example of how ebay has changed the way you shop. You really have to be wary, and know what something is worth. Take for example: The Victoria's Secret PJ bottoms $28.50...notice the price. A crafty ebayer posts a pic of Jessica simpson wearing the same exact pants, and how they're sold out at VS (false!) and whamo..$35.00. An unsuspecting buyer thinks they're getting a great deal, but they're getting ripped. So it's important to read between the lines, and really know what you're going for.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hmmm...Kress...Above is a self portrait of me reading Kress'Modality, Multimedia and Genre. It is an illustration of how i felt while reading it, while this blog is an actual recount of my reading it. I was, probably still am, a little lost, but after reading Dr Chandler's Blog i have a little better understanding. So in effect, I realize that i often use images as a means to entertain my reader, in fact much of my blogging is directed at entertaining.

So, for entertainment calue (and a cheap plug) i'm going to use the Serenity Movie site as one of my examples. In this site there is very little in the way of literature, for good is a site geared toward visual and interactive entertainment. The information aspect comes secondary. Although, if you go to the notes section there are some interesting tidbits. Aside from what the fact that the author of the site wants you to know that the movie comes out September 30th (and is a really good movie so you should go see it), it offers games, videos and images that give you an idea of what the movie is about. Very visual, mucho eyecandy! Fun, fun, fun!

A little less on the interactivity side, you have the VIctoria's Secret Website (this is one of my favorite sites because its my favorite store). This site is geared not so much at informing you about the product, but offering a means by which to purchase it. There are pictures, lots of them, but there are brief descriptions as to what materials the product is made from, prices etc. Very little in the way of interactive and entertaining. offers a little more interactivity because they offer forums with which you can communicate your opinions on the products, and they also offer areas where you can sell your own prodcuts. This is more of a community. The movie site also offers a community atmosphere as well if you enter the forum section of that site.

On the extereme flip-side you have good ol' which is mostly information, or an online encyclodedia. THis also uses images, but the images and visuals are not the focus of the site. The purpose of this site is strictly informative.

I may be way off base with this blog entry...but i tried :(

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ugh...I just wrote this big long post about Microsoft vs Mozilla and it was fun and made sense, but with a click of a button poof! it was gone! I'm sick and tired...this is not a good day! grrrrrr....

OKay...I tried to look at this assignment as objectively as i could. It would be the obvious answer to say that Microsoft does not encourage you to leave their site and lpocks you in and tries to get you to love only them, but in this case i have to stay with the obvious. Mozilla from the get-go, right on the main page there is a link to an outside webpage. Of course its a link to an article on how Mozilla is better than IE, but the link dumps you out onto an outside site trusting that you will hit your Back button to return. That's a little trusty don't you think? As a web developer, we build alot of car dealership websites in which we link to the national car ocmpany's website for info, but we always do so as a pop-up window with no navigation so taht you are forced to merely close the window when you are done and return to the dealer website. Why do we do this? Because we don't want the dealership to lose their customer. Mozilla runs the risk of losing you to their competitors by doing this.

It is difficult to find a link to an outside source on Microsoft's webpage. In fact, most of the links are geared toward selling their products and their product support. Mozilla's website seems geared toward community. They have Blogger areas (tho most is about Firefox and other Mozilla related things), newsgroups etc. Microsoft does not have these things.

Mozilla seems to encourage feedback and suggestions with areas where you can become one of the coders and write to the developers with suggestions and whatnot. Microsoft is Microsoft...a bill gates conglomerate and don't seem to need anyone because they have programmers they pay big bucks for (that was the head medicine talking...i'm a grump).

From a developer's standpoint, i prefer IE. IE supports pretty much every form of software and has most of the bugs worked out. Firefox can be a nightmare when working with java, javascript and other programming languages. More often than not we have problems with people who use Firefox. But, I like Firefox for the fact that people developed it, and it is a work in progress. Plus it has a cute little fox icon...and thunderbird is cute too. This last sentence problably made little sense. Getting fuzzy...I think what i'm trying to say is that i think Microsoft is a little self-importnat, but they seem to have a better product.

And now for a shameless promotion...Go See Serenity! In theaters Fri Sept 30!

Serenity Movie

----- Wikipedia vs. Heim and Woolley ---

Aside from the obvious such as Wikipedia being an online source whereas Heim and Woolley were both essays in a book, all three were trying to acheieve the same goal at least where it came to defining Cyberspace. Each tried to define it, but Wikipedia went straight for the definition while Heim and Woolley were more intent on the writing involved with defining Cyberspace, which is understandable (hey, they wanna get published right?). But one of the advantages that Wikipedia has over H&W is that it doesn't need to be dumbed down because it can be linked to different sources and the reader merely had to click a link to read further about a particular term. With H&W, one would have to go to an outside source and by then who wants to bother? (Especially in Heim's case...holy long batman!).

While Heim made an attempt at catagorizing his ideas, Wikipedia's were more easy to jump to (good ol' cntrl f), whereas with Heim there was a whole lot flipping, scanning, cussing, and flipping. But this is coming from someone who prefers to read their news and most other things online. So for me, hands down Wikipedia was alot more interesting, to the point as well as informative.

And my kitty!