Ugh...I just wrote this big long post about Microsoft vs Mozilla and it was fun and made sense, but with a click of a button poof! it was gone! I'm sick and tired...this is not a good day! grrrrrr....
OKay...I tried to look at this assignment as objectively as i could. It would be the obvious answer to say that Microsoft does not encourage you to leave their site and lpocks you in and tries to get you to love only them, but in this case i have to stay with the obvious. Mozilla from the get-go, right on the main page there is a link to an outside webpage. Of course its a link to an article on how Mozilla is better than IE, but the link dumps you out onto an outside site trusting that you will hit your Back button to return. That's a little trusty don't you think? As a web developer, we build alot of car dealership websites in which we link to the national car ocmpany's website for info, but we always do so as a pop-up window with no navigation so taht you are forced to merely close the window when you are done and return to the dealer website. Why do we do this? Because we don't want the dealership to lose their customer. Mozilla runs the risk of losing you to their competitors by doing this.
It is difficult to find a link to an outside source on Microsoft's webpage. In fact, most of the links are geared toward selling their products and their product support. Mozilla's website seems geared toward community. They have Blogger areas (tho most is about Firefox and other Mozilla related things), newsgroups etc. Microsoft does not have these things.
Mozilla seems to encourage feedback and suggestions with areas where you can become one of the coders and write to the developers with suggestions and whatnot. Microsoft is Microsoft...a bill gates conglomerate and don't seem to need anyone because they have programmers they pay big bucks for (that was the head medicine talking...i'm a grump).
From a developer's standpoint, i prefer IE. IE supports pretty much every form of software and has most of the bugs worked out. Firefox can be a nightmare when working with java, javascript and other programming languages. More often than not we have problems with people who use Firefox. But, I like Firefox for the fact that people developed it, and it is a work in progress. Plus it has a cute little fox icon...and thunderbird is cute too. This last sentence problably made little sense. Getting fuzzy...I think what i'm trying to say is that i think Microsoft is a little self-importnat, but they seem to have a better product.
And now for a shameless promotion...Go See Serenity! In theaters Fri Sept 30!

Serenity Movie
Yeah. I think it is hard to get out of the obvious on this one, too. Your comments about Mozilla sending you outside the site (and how you design cardealership sites so readers go to pop-ups with no navigation)and about the kinds of links to "community" Mozilla has say it all. Mozilla really is different from MS and it is right there in the links. Good analysis. If you took it further -- you could have a paper on this.
so did you go see Serenity? Did you like it?
In response to Dr. Chandler: i saw serenity over the summer (they were doing preliminary screenings of it throughout the development of the movie)'s a really great movie, fun ride. I saw the final product on SUnday...was even better :)
deinifitely check the movie out...the entire last hour is like a rollercoaster ride...awesome!
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