Cyberspace is what???
For our first assignment, we were to read Woolley's Cyberspace and then discuss it in three different ways. First we discussed it in class where Dr. Chandler asked us to bring up some topics and see what stuck out from the passage as well as where that conversation would lead. Mostly, we were able to stay on topic because we had the professor to guide the conversation and when we did get off topic, which we did a little but, she would bring us back on subject. The conversation went really as fast as she could write it down, discuss it briefly and move on.
The summary, by its nature was very focused on the passage because I was writing it for the purpose of completing the assignment and i was the dominant voice. There was no interaction because it was just me writing, nothing special at all.
It got a little fun when we were in the chatroom because i think we were adjusting to the idea of being in a chatroom in class (definitely a first for me). There really was no dominent voice mainly who could type faster (although Josh, being the fastest was inhibited by the computer unable to process his comments, cheeky school computers). The topic was a little difficult to actually stay on, and we did tend to stray but the conversation remained interesting. At first we were conscious of the topic and trying to dicuss it, and then Josh pointed out as to how it reminded him of a book he read, and i asked about it and before long we were talking about computers becoming too intelligent, Nicole mentioned computer chips in our skin and i mentioned wanting to get a computer chip in my kitty. So it was definitely more fun and as Dr Chandler put it, alot more playful which i think chat tends to be. In the classroom i think everyone is in academic mode, or maybe they don't want to speak up in class, but in the chat everyone can be themselves so it is a bit freer.
HOnestly speaking, when it comes down to which way was easier to get to the actual definition of Cyberspace...i think that the summary was the best but by far the least exciting. I have to say that if i could choose i would prefer either the chat or the classroom discussion because its simply not as drab as writing a paragraph.
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I'm glad you told me about the "s" -- I'll post it on my page.
I think it's interesting a number of you felt the par was the most useful in terms of getting the concepts. Because it is the most demanding in terms of articulating *precisely* what you mean? Because it is the least *redundant* . . .like I was talking about in class -- differences between CMC and talk and writing? writing is definitely the most economic => and the hardest to do.
So I wonder what that means -- if anything.
and I agree with Ryan. Nice blog.
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